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Application Materials


Length of Schooling: 4 years

The courses will be the same as Chinese students

High school degree or above; HSK5 180 or above

1.High School Diploma
2.High school transcripts
3.HSK transcripts
4.Passport Copy

Notes: Learning the major Chinese Language and Literature in International School of Chinese Studies does not need the HSK transcript.


Length of Schooling: 3 years

The courses will be the same as Chinese postgraduate students

Bachelor degree or above; Recommendation from 2 professors; HSK5 180 or above

1.  Bachelor diploma
2.  Two recommendation letters (Chinese or English)
3.  Academic transcripts
4.  HSK transcripts
5.  CV (Chinese or English)
6.  Passport Copy


Length of Schooling: 3 years

The courses will be the same as Chinese PHD students

Master degree or above; Recommendation from 2 professors; HSK5 210 or above

1.  Master diploma
2.  Two recommendation letters (Chinese or English)
3.  Academic transcripts
4.  HSK transcripts
5.  CV (Chinese or English)
6.  Passport Copy


Please make sure to log on to the website and apply online first:http://iso.snnu.edu.cn/. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English. The application for Spring Semester must be before December 31; The application for Fall Semester must be before June 30. Application documents should be submitted to our office through mail or email to iso@snnu.edu.cn. If the applied major provides English-taught courses, or if the professor is capable of teaching in English, the HSK transcript is not required.
Postal Address: P.O.Box 2, 199 South Chang’an South Road, Xi’an, 710062, China.
Tel: 86-29-85303761
Fax: 86-29-85303653
Home page: http://english.snnu.edu.cn/


  Address: Chang'an Road No. 199, Xi'an City zip code: 710062 Tel: 029-85308114 [05001611] the ICP
? International School of Chinese Studies of Shaanxi Normal University
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